
统计计量丨倍差法DID详解 (一):传统 DID

Stata连享会 数据Seminar 2021-06-03

双重差分模型 (Difference-Differences, DID)是政策评估的非实验方法中最为常用的一种方法。本系列推文的目的是,利用模拟的方式直观的展示 Standard DID,Time-varying DID 以及其于Event Study Approach (ESA) 的结合应用。



关于 DID 方法的推文已经不少了,我们公众号就推送过《特别推荐丨老姚专栏:辛普森悖论、异质性与DID模型 》和《 特别推荐丨老姚专栏:理解自然实验和DID方法——与现场实验比较的视角》,还有《工具&方法 | 教授教你如何用DID和DDD模型做政策评估》,等等。

第一,本系列将上述的 DID 模型的设置,平行趋势的检验和图形表示以及边际效果等一般化的流程尽可能地在一篇推文中展示出来,为读者作为参考;

第二,本系列利用同一套的模拟数据,将 Standard DID 以及 Time-varying DID 结合起来,分析其方程设定的异同;

第三,在实际的操作过程中,Time-varying DID 利用 ESA 方法对平行趋势进行检验时,由于可能存在不是所有个体都最终接受了政策干预,因此,这两种情况下,ESA 方程的设定和代码写作存在差异,这也是本系列推文所着重关心的问题。



我们生成了一份模拟数据,结构为 60个体*10年,共 600 个观测值的平衡面板数据。我们在数据中设定 2005 年为政策发生当年,id 取值在 30-60 范围内的个体为处理组,剩余的个体为控制组。我们将基础的文件保存为 DID_Basic_Simu.dta (Stata 格式的数据文件),方便随后调用。
clear allset obs 60set seed 10101gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
expand 11drop in 1/60count
bys id: gen time = _n+1999xtset id time
///生成协变量x1, x2
gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
sort time idby time: gen ind = _nsort id timeby id: gen T = _n
gen D = 0 replace D = 1 if id > 29gen post = 0replace post = 1 if time >= 2005
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu.dta",replace


政策效果不随时间而变的Standard DID的模拟

///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构clearuse "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if time < 2005bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 10 + T + ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe rpredict e,uebinscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
///输出生成的图片,令格式为800*600graph export "article1_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
  1. 左右滑动查看更多


利用双向固定效应 (two-way fixed effects) 的方法估计交互项的系数,其中用到 reg,xtregaregreghdfe 等多个 Stata 命令,四个命令的比较放在了下方的表格中。在本文中,主要展示 reghdfe 命令的输出结果。

reghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 3, 528) = 262423.36Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9995 Adj R-squared = 0.9995 Within R-sq. = 0.9993 Root MSE = 1.0154+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ c.D#c.post | 9.868932 .1654078 59.66 0.000 9.543994 10.19387 x1 | 4.998123 .0060976 819.69 0.000 4.986144 5.010101 x2 | 3.003366 .0084909 353.71 0.000 2.986685 3.020046+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Absorbed degrees of freedom:+--------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE | Num. Coefs. = Categories Redundant +--------------------------------------------------------+ id | 60 60 0 time | 9 10 1 +--------------------------------------------------------+
  1. 左右滑动查看更多
///四组回归结果输出如下reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id, reststo regxtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, r feeststo xtreg_feareg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robusteststo aregreghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)eststo reghdfe
estout , title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") /// cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) /// stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) /// legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reg xtreg_fe areg reghdfe +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ c.D#c.post | 9.869*** 9.869*** 9.869*** 9.869*** | (0.166) (0.189) (0.166) (0.166) x1           |      4.998***        4.998***    4.998***    4.998*** | (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) x2 | 3.003*** 3.003*** 3.003*** 3.003*** | (0.008) (0.008) (0.008) (0.008) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ N | 600 600 600 600 Groups | 60 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ *p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
四组回归结果中交互项和协变量的估计系数和标准误几乎完全相同(唯一的区别在于 xtrg_fe  估计交互项系数的标准差),并且都十分接近于模拟生成时的设定值,说明方程设定和使用的估计方法是合适的。从上面四个回归结果可以知道,交互项的估计系数均为9.86,其95%置信区间明显包含政策的真实效果10。因此,上述四个命令在估计双向固定效应上作用是等价的。(补充:在本文的模拟中主要使用的是固定效应模型,那么如果使用随机效应模型来估计,方程的形式和结果是否会有变化?这一问题留给感兴趣的读者去思考。PS:仔细观察一下本文的数据生成过程(Data Generating Process, DGP))。


政策效果随时间而变的 Standard DID 的模拟

///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构clearuse "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if time < 2005bysort id: replace y1 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T*5 + ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///去除协变量和个体效应对y的影响,画出剩余残差的图像xtreg y x1 x2,fe rpredict e,uebinscatter e time,line(connect)by(D)


利用双向固定效应(two-way fixed effects)的方法估计交互项的系数,其中用到 reg,xtregaregreghdfe 等多个 Stata 命令。在本文中,主要展示命令'reghdfe'的输出结果:
. reghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time)   vce(robust)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression                             Number of obs   =           600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups                            F(   3,    528) =      44552.05Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity            Prob > F        =        0.0000 R-squared       =        0.9978 Adj R-squared   =        0.9975 Within R-sq.    =        0.9964 Root MSE        =        2.4029+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+       |                Robust y |      Coef.    Std. Err.      t     P>t     [95% Conf.  Interval]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  c.D#c.post |    31.84782   .3931208    81.01    0.000     31.07555  32.6201 x1 |    5.014706   .0154247   325.11    0.000     4.984405  5.045008 x2 |    2.973101   .0202111   147.10    0.000     2.933397  3.012805+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Absorbed degrees of freedom:+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE|  Num. Coefs.  =   Categories   Redundant      +-------------------------------------------------------------+  id |           60              60           0       time |            9              10           1      +-------------------------------------------------------------+


///四组回归结果输出如下reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id, reststo regxtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, r feeststo xtreg_feareg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robusteststo aregreghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)eststo reghdfe
estout , title("The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values") /// cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) /// stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) /// legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Comparison of Actual Parameter Values+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reg xtreg_fe areg reghdfe +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ c.D#c.post   |      31.848***      31.848***     31.848***      31.848*** | (0.394) (0.194) (0.394) (0.394) x1 | 5.015*** 5.015*** 5.015*** 5.015*** | (0.015) (0.016) (0.015) (0.015) x2 | 2.973*** 2.973*** 2.973*** 2.973*** | (0.020) (0.019) (0.020) (0.020) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ N | 600 600 600 600 Groups | 60 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ *p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


四组回归结果中交互项和协变量的估计系数和标准误几乎完全相同(唯一的区别在于 xtreg_fe  估计项系数的标准差),并且都十分接近于模拟生成时的设定值,说明方程设定和使用的估计方法是合适的。从上面四个回归结果可以知道,交互项的估计系数均为31.848。再次验证了上述四个命令在估计双向固定效应(two-way fixed effects)上作用是等价的。补充:在本文的模拟中主要使用的是固定效应模型,那么如果使用随机效应模型来估计,方程的形式和结果是否会有变化?这一问题留给感兴趣的读者去思考。PS:仔细观察一下本文的数据生成过程(Data Generating Process, DGP))。


Standard DID 和 Event Study Approach 的结合

本部分介绍政策效果随时间发生变化和不随时间发生变化两种情况下,如何与时间研究法(Event Study Approach)相结合。DID 应用 ESA 方法有两个目的:一是可以利用回归方法对双重差分法中最重要的平行趋势假设进行检验,与上面的图示法相比,好处在于可以控制协变量的影响,方程形式也更加灵活;二是可以更加清楚地得到政策效果在时间维度上地变化。因此,这部分检验在论文中也往往被称为政策的动态效果(Dynamic Effects) 或者灵活的 DID (Flexible DID Estimates).具体实现结果如下:

5.1 灵活的 DID :政策效果不随时间发生变化

Standard DID 的动态效果也有多种语法命令的形式,本文提供两种,主要应用  Stata 的Factor Variables 语法。
///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构clearuse "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if time < 2005bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 10 + T + ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
///预先生成年度虚拟变量tab time, gen(year)


. reghdfe y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust) absorb(id time)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 11, 520) = 71307.67Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9995 Adj R-squared = 0.9995 Within R-sq. = 0.9993 Root MSE = 1.0147
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+D#time |1 2001 | .4381916 .3796627 1.15 0.249 -.3076697 1.1840531 2002 | .6093975 .3984095 1.53 0.127 -.1732924 1.3920871 2003 | .4808495 .3948783 1.22 0.224 -.2949033 1.2566021 2004 | .1168801 .4088713 0.29 0.775 -.6863626 .92012271 2005 | 9.810181 .3870237 25.35 0.000 9.049859 10.57051 2006 | 10.48194 .3664986 28.60 0.000 9.761937 11.201941 2007 | 9.999201 .3978656 25.13 0.000 9.217579 10.780821 2008 | 10.2474 .4087051 25.07 0.000 9.444481 11.050311 2009 | 10.45248 .3979999 26.26 0.000 9.670592 11.23436 x1 | 4.996797 .0061877 807.54 0.000 4.984641 5.008953 x2 | 3.004127 .0087679 342.63 0.000 2.986902 3.021352+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Absorbed degrees of freedom:+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories - Redundant +-------------------------------------------------------------+ id | 60 60 0 time | 9 10 1 +-------------------------------------------------------------+
. reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(converged in 3 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 11, 520) = 71307.67Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9995 Adj R-squared = 0.9995 Within R-sq. = 0.9993 Root MSE = 1.0147+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+c.D#c.year2 | .4381916 .3796627 1.15 0.249 -.3076697 1.184053c.D#c.year3 | .6093975 .3984095 1.53 0.127 -.1732924 1.392087c.D#c.year4 | .4808495 .3948783 1.22 0.224 -.2949033 1.256602c.D#c.year5 | .1168801 .4088713 0.29 0.775 -.6863626 .9201227c.D#c.year6 | 9.810181 .3870237 25.35 0.000 9.049859 10.5705c.D#c.year7 | 10.48194 .3664986 28.60 0.000 9.761937 11.20194c.D#c.year8 | 9.999201 .3978656 25.13 0.000 9.217579 10.78082c.D#c.year9 | 10.2474 .4087051 25.07 0.000 9.444481 11.05031c.D#c.year10| 10.45248 .3979999 26.26 0.000 9.670592 11.23436 x1| 4.996797 .0061877 807.54 0.000 4.984641 5.008953 x2| 3.004127 .0087679 342.63 0.000 2.986902 3.021352+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Absorbed degrees of freedom:+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories - Redundant +-------------------------------------------------------------+ id | 60 60 0 time | 9 10 1 +-------------------------------------------------------------+     
coefplot, ///keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9 c.D#c.year10)  ///coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4"   ///c.D#c.year3 = "-3"           ///c.D#c.year4 = "-2"           ///c.D#c.year5 = "-1"           ///c.D#c.year6  = "0"             ///c.D#c.year7  = "1"              ///c.D#c.year8  = "2"              ///c.D#c.year9  = "3"              ///c.D#c.year10 = "4") ///vertical                             ///yline(0)                             ///ytitle("Coef")                 ///xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///addplot(line @b @at)                 ///ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///scheme(s1mono)


5.2 灵活的 DID :政策效果随时间发生变化

///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构cleause "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"///生成两种潜在结果,并且合成最终的结果变量,令政策的真实效果随时间发生变化,即(5*T-T),由于从2005年开始接受干预,因此,每年的政策效果应为24,28,32,36,40.bysort id: gen y0 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind  + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind  + rnormal() if time < 2005bysort id: replace y1 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T * 5 + ind   + rnormal() if time >= 2005gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)///预先生成年度虚拟变量tab time, gen(year)
reghdfe y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust) absorb(id time)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(converged in 3 iterations)HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 11, 520) = 75233.93Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9996 Adj R-squared = 0.9996 Within R-sq. = 0.9994 Root MSE = 1.0147+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robust y| Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ D#time |1 2001 | .4381916 .3796627 1.15 0.249 -.3076697 1.1840531 2002 | .6093975 .3984095 1.53 0.127 -.1732924 1.3920871 2003 | .4808495 .3948783 1.22 0.224 -.2949033 1.2566021 2004 | .1168801 .4088713 0.29 0.775 -.6863626 .92012271 2005 | 23.81018 .3870237 61.52 0.000 23.04986 24.57051 2006 | 28.48194 .3664986 77.71 0.000 27.76194 29.201941 2007 | 31.9992 .3978656 80.43 0.000 31.21758 32.780821 2008 | 36.2474 .4087051 88.69 0.000 35.44448 37.050311 2009 | 40.45248 .3979999 101.64 0.000 39.67059 41.23436+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ x1 | 4.996797 .0061877 807.54 0.000 4.984641 5.008953 x2 | 3.004127 .0087679 342.63 0.000 2.986902 3.021352+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Absorbed degrees of freedom:`+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories Redundant+-------------------------------------------------------------+ id | 60 60 0 time | 9 10 1 +-------------------------------------------------------------+
reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2 , absorb(id time) vce(robust)+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (converged in 3 iterations)HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 600Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 11, 520) = 75233.93Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9996                                                        Adj R-squared   =   0.9996                                                        Within R-sq.    =   0.9994                                                        Root MSE        =   1.0147+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+             |              Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval] +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ c.D#c.year2 | .4381916 .3796627 1.15 0.249 -.3076697 1.184053c.D#c.year3 | .6093975 .3984095 1.53 0.127 -.1732924 1.392087c.D#c.year4 | .4808495 .3948783 1.22 0.224 -.2949033 1.256602c.D#c.year5 | .1168801 .4088713 0.29 0.775 -.6863626 .9201227c.D#c.year6 | 23.81018 .3870237 61.52 0.000 23.04986 24.5705c.D#c.year7 | 28.48194 .3664986 77.71 0.000 27.76194 29.20194c.D#c.year8 | 31.9992 .3978656 80.43 0.000 31.21758 32.78082c.D#c.year9 | 36.2474 .4087051 88.69 0.000 35.44448 37.05031c.D#c.year10| 40.45248 .3979999 101.64 0.000 39.67059 41.23436 x1| 4.996797 .0061877 807.54 0.000 4.984641 5.008953 x2| 3.004127 .0087679 342.63 0.000 2.986902 3.021352+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Absorbed degrees of freedom:+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE| Num. Coefs. = Categories Redundant +-------------------------------------------------------------+ id | 60 60 0 time | 9 10 1
coefplot///keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9 c.D#c.year10) ///coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4" ///c.D#c.year3 = "-3" ///c.D#c.year4 = "-2" ///c.D#c.year5 = "-1" ///c.D#c.year6 = "0" ///c.D#c.year7 = "1" ///c.D#c.year8 = "2" ///c.D#c.year9 = "3" ///c.D#c.year10 = "4") ///vertical ///yline(0) ///ytitle("Coef") ///xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") ///addplot(line @b @at) ///ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///scheme(s1mono)




本文是本系列推文的第一篇,其主要内容是介绍了政策效果不随时间而变和政策效果随时间而变的 DID 模型的模拟,结合 Event Study Approach 对 DID 最重要的平行趋势假设进行了检验,另外利用 coefplot 命令对 DID 方法所估计的政策动态效果进行了图形化展示。
本系列的下一篇推文将介绍 Time-varying DID 的模拟,平行趋势检验在不同情形下的模型设定的差异以及政策动态效果的图形化表达。




clear allset obs 60set seed 10101gen id =_n
/// 每一个数值的数量扩大11倍,再减去前六十个观测值,即60*11-60 = 600,为60个体10年的面板数据
expand 11drop in 1/60count
bys id: gen time = _n+1999xtset id time
///生成协变量x1, x2
gen x1 = rnormal(1,7)gen x2 = rnormal(2,5)
sort time idby time: gen ind = _nsort id timeby id: gen T = _n
gen D = 0 replace D = 1 if id > 29gen post = 0replace post = 1 if time >= 2005
///将基础数据结构保存成dta文件,命名为DID_Basic_Simu.dta,默认保存在当前的 working directory 路径下
save "DID_Basic_Simu.dta",replac


///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构clearuse "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind  + rnormal() if time < 2005
bysort id: replace y1 = 10  + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 10 + T + ind  + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)///去除协变量和个体效应对y的影响,画出剩余残差的图像
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe rpredict e,uebinscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
///输出生成的图片,令格式为800*600graph export "article1_1.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
///多种回归形式reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id, reststo regxtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, r feeststo xtreg_feareg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robusteststo aregreghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Paramerer Values") /// cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) /// stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) /// legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
///ESA及图示法///预先生成年度虚拟变量tab time, gen(year)reghdfe y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust) absorb(id time)reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)coefplot, /// keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9c.D#c.year10) /// coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4" /// c.D#c.year3 = "-3" /// c.D#c.year4 = "-2" /// c.D#c.year5 = "-1" /// c.D#c.year6 = "0" /// c.D#c.year7 = "1" /// c.D#c.year8 = "2" /// c.D#c.year9 = "3" /// c.D#c.year10 = "4") /// vertical /// yline(0) /// ytitle("Coef") /// xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") // addplot(line @b @at) /// ciopts(recast(rcap)) /// scheme(s1mono) ///输出生成的图片,令格式为800*600graph export "article1_3.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)


///调用本文第二部分生成的基础数据结构clearuse "DID_Basic_Simu.dta"
bysort id: gen y0 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal()bysort id: gen y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T + ind + rnormal() if time < 2005
bysort id: replace y1 = 10 + 5 * x1 + 3 * x2 + T * 5 + ind + rnormal() if time >= 2005
gen y = y0 + D * (y1 - y0)
xtreg y x1 x2 , fe rpredict e,uebinscatter e time, line(connect) by(D)
///输出生成的图片,令格式为800*600graph export "article1_2.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)
///多种回归形式reg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time i.id, reststo regxtreg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, r feeststo xtreg_feareg y c.D#c.post x1 x2 i.time, absorb(id) robusteststo aregreghdfe y c.D#c.post x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)eststo reghdfe
estout *, title("The Comparison of Actual Paramerer Values") /// cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par)) ///         stats(N N_g, fmt(%9.0f %9.0g) label(N Groups)) /// legend collabels(none) varlabels(_cons Constant) keep(x1 x2 c.D#c.post)
///ESA及图示法///预先生成年度虚拟变量tab time, gen(year)reghdfe y i.D#i.time x1 x2, vce(robust) absorb(id time)reghdfe y c.D#(c.year2-year10) x1 x2, absorb(id time) vce(robust)coefplot, /// keep(c.D#c.year2 c.D#c.year3 c.D#c.year4 c.D#c.year5 c.D#c.year6 c.D#c.year7 c.D#c.year8 c.D#c.year9 c.D#c.year10) /// coeflabels(c.D#c.year2 = "-4" /// c.D#c.year3 = "-3" /// c.D#c.year4 = "-2" /// c.D#c.year5 = "-1" /// c.D#c.year6 = "0" /// c.D#c.year7 = "1" /// c.D#c.year8 = "2" /// c.D#c.year9 = "3" /// c.D#c.year10 = "4") /// vertical /// yline(0) /// ytitle("Coef") /// xtitle("Time passage relative to year of adoption of implied contract exception") /// addplot(line @b @at) /// ciopts(recast(rcap)) /// scheme(s1mono) ///输出生成的图片,令格式为800*600graph export "article1_4.png",as(png) replace width(800) height(600)







元旦特刊 | 2020年元旦夜演:用R玩烟花,用心写代码






